
by Feria del App



This app has been developed within the framework of two subjects from the University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea; The programming has been carried out in the subject "Advanced Telematic Technologies" of the 2nd year of the Masters Degree in Telecommunications Engineering, while the design has been carried out in the subject "Curricular research in teaching materials" of the Minor in Curriculum and resources Humans of the Degrees in Primary Education and Early Childhood Education. Therefore, since the development has been implemented by non-professionals and in a limited time, it is a product that may contain unintentional errors.In addition, since you can use a camera/microphone or access external servers, it should not be used by persons under 13 years of age without the supervision of an adult guardian.This application has been made within the framework of two subjects at the University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea. On the one hand, the design has been carried out in the subject "Curricular Research of Teaching Materials" of the University Degrees of Early Childhood and Primary Education. On the other hand, in the subject "Advanced Telematic Technologies" of the 2nd year of the Masters Degree in Telecommunications Engineering, they have been in charge of programming. Thus, a new and educational application has been created, in our case IdentiApp.Through the IdentiApp application you will be able to identify and learn more about new gender expressions. Gender identity is an individuals subjective perception of their gender, regardless of their sexual orientation or biological sex characteristics. In other words, it is the personal, intimate, psychological or psychic identification of a person regarding their gender: feeling part of the masculine, feminine gender or some other option, regardless of the biological sex with which they were born.It is necessary to understand that gender identity is not something that is chosen, it is not something that has to be changed or that can be done. If we want to build a free and respectful society, sexual diversity is necessary, knowing that tolerance and respect for others must be educated.For this reason, through this educational application we will have the opportunity to discover new realities that we have around us but that we have not wanted to see. To do this, your knowledge on the subject will be detailed through a series of questions. Later, we will have the opportunity to know real testimonials, knowing their opinions. Once this is done, a new questionnaire will be proposed to you in which you must reflect what you have learned in the answers.